Sanctum and Renewal

As a Collective Sanctum includes influences from charismatic renewal. 

Recently people have raised significant questions around safeguarding and charismatic practice. If you have had an abusive experience of charismatic ministry please do speak to someone, we can put you in touch with appropriate safeguarding support.

In practice Sanctum has tended towards a liturgical and silent model of prayer ministry. 

In my local context locally blessed oil is used and  words of invitation are said corporately. People are then encouraged to pray by themselves or for each other in silence if they feel comfortable doing so.

Where spoken personal prayer ministry is offered, it is considered as requiring a similar level of covering as sacramental confession. Not necessarily ordained ministry, but people under license with a bishop and diocese in their own right, with a high level of safeguarding training. 

Scripture is clear that both absolution (John 20:23) and personal prayer ministry (James 5:14) have a particular weight and responsibility - belonging to the the ordered ministry. 

However this is sadly still no guarantee of safe practice. Again, if you have had an abusive experience of charismatic ministry please do speak to someone, we can put you in touch with appropriate safeguarding support.

Eddie Green

Blessing of Oil

May we who use this oil
Be renewed by the Spirit
Enriched with health
of mind and body
Grant this through
Christ our Lord


Thank you Lord that we are your children loved by you.
Thank you that you delight in us and are pleased with us.
Father as you sent the Holy Spirit on your Son Jesus
Send your Holy Spirit to renew and refresh us.
Come Holy Spirit